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Secure your spot now!
Congratulations on being interested in joining Gamechangers Academy!
To be eligible to register, you need to be a high school student in grades 7-12 (6ième -1ière) or of age 14-18.
Don't hesitate - you're in the right place. We look forward to hearing from you!
How it works
1. Registration & Video Call
Once you've submitted the below form, you receive an email asking you to choose a time and day for a 30min virtual call for us to get to know your goals, personality & expectations better.

2. Confirmation & Payment of Fee
Within 48h after our call, we send an email telling you if you have been admitted (as we might have multiple students for the final spots). You then have 5 days to pay the program fee (view fees).
3. Online personality & strengths assessment
You receive the venue's address, our number and a short online test that gives us more info about your traits, strengths & weaknesses. This lets us tailor the programme more to you. All set? Let's go!

Registration Form

The future is yours to create
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